Alumna Spotlight: Ashleigh Davis, Class of 2015

Alumnae, Alumna Spotlight

Ashleigh Davis
I have a confidence that, as a woman, I can do anything I put my mind to. I often come across the same energy when I meet new people who have also been to an all-girls school/GDST school... There must be something in the water!”
Ashleigh Davis, Royal High School Bath Class of 2015

Ashleigh Davis, Royal High School Bath Class of 2015, is a Senior Landscape Architect at LDA Design. LDA Design is an Employee Owned design practice that specialises in designing places utilising the power of landscape. 

Ashleigh attended Royal High from Reception through to Sixth Form, and then went on to University of Sheffield to study BSc in Landscape Architecture and Ecology, followed by a year in industry. After this she gained a Masters in Landscape Architecture from University of Sheffield, and post graduating joined LDA Design Landscape Architects in Manchester. 

What aspects of Royal High School Bath did you enjoy and find most rewarding?

Throughout my time at the Royal High School Bath, I loved being surrounded by friends and peers who all had BIG dreams. I still have a close-knit group of friends from school and they all inspire me every day. 

There was a day-to-day joy/trepidation in not knowing what the school day might bring. My memories of Royal High all seem to be framed by the start of the school day. Walking up the front drive, under the arch past the trees and through the front door whether that’s before GSCE exams, the first day of Year Seven, an average mid-weekday or finishing it all out with pictures on the front steps.

But really, the most enjoyable parts of school were time spent with pals in either the art block or the common rooms.

Any key memories/ favourite teachers etc? 

Two teachers who shared knowledge and belief in me throughout my time at Royal High consequently shaping the career path that I have since taken, has to be my form tutor Dr Kolaczkowski and the most inspiring Head of Art, Mr Preedy who we lost far too soon. 

A key memory has to be winning House Dance and Drama as House Captain for Austen with our slightly mad performance of The Jungle Book! 

What did you aspire to while at school? 

I really wanted to be an architect or do something that allowed me to be creative.

How did Royal High empower you for your future?

I have a confidence that, as a woman, I can do anything I put my mind to. I often come across the same energy when I meet new people who have also been to an all-girls school/GDST school... There must be something in the water!

How did your studies at Royal High inspire you to follow your chosen career?  

I spent a lot of time in the art block with my friends. That freedom to create, make and dream has followed me through to my work. I now do the same, but in an office, and get paid to create, make and dream. 

What has been your proudest moment? 

Jointly tied at the minute between two...  but one is when I signed off the practical completion for my first project that I took from sketch to site has to be a biggie, and my second would be unlocking the door to my first house which we got the keys to last year. 

What would you say to your 11-year-old self? 

There is a quote from an artist that I used to write all over my Sixth Form planner at school thinking I was so wise and worldly, but I probably had never really unpicked and understood it, but now, I think in a world of social media and comparison to others, it is probably more relevant than ever. So, in the words of artist Sol LeWitt, “Don’t worry about cool, make your own uncool”.

What are your hopes for the future?

I would love to continue to work on projects that positively affect the world around me, using landscape as a force for good. Maybe live abroad, maybe one day open my own practice.