Alumna Spotlight: Zoe Jacob, Class of 2004

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Zoe Jacob, Class of 2004, is currently a partner, and Head of Immigration at Boodle Hatfield, a leading London private-client law firm. She helps people from all over the world come to the UK, and her clients have included everyone from internationally famous celebrities to royalty. She also works with schools and businesses to help them bring students and staff to the UK.

"I work with an incredible, all-female team and one of my favourite parts of my job is helping them develop their careers in this fascinating area of law."

What aspects of Royal High School Bath did you enjoy and find most rewarding?

I attended the Royal School, which then became the Royal High School Bath, from Reception all the way through to Upper Sixth and thoroughly enjoyed my experience. Probably my favourite years were sixth form, during which I was a weekly boarder. I relished being able to focus on the arts subjects I found the most interesting during my A-Levels, particularly English and History, and loved living with the women who remain my closest friends to this day.

Any key memories and favourite teachers? 

I have fond memories of GCSE and A-Level English lessons with Miss Hendry, in which she would patiently entertain my unconventional interpretations of the set texts!

What did you aspire to while at school? 

Winning the regional round of the English-Speaking Union public speaking competition in Year 10, inspired me to pursue a career as an advocate.

How did RHSB empower you for your future?

It was Mrs Corrigan (Economics) who encouraged me to follow in her footsteps and study Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford. Her belief in me, and my abilities, inspired me to apply for a course I may otherwise have thought I would not get a place on. Studying PPE turned out to be one of the best decisions I have made. It is a challenging and incredibly well-respected course which taught me to think analytically, the most important skill for a lawyer. 

How did your studies at RHSB inspire you to follow your chosen career?  

I was taught at Royal High that there was no barrier to what I could achieve with hard work, and I have carried that lesson with me throughout my career. 

What has been your proudest moment? 

Other than the birth of my two amazing children, Benjamin and Zetta, it is probably a recent win in an extremely complex case, in which we helped a lady who had been in the UK for over 10 years as the victim of human trafficking, regularise her UK immigration position. 

What would you say to your 11-year-old self? 

The bigger you dream, the bigger the life you'll create for yourself. 

What are your hopes for the future? 

To continue growing the immigration practice at Boodle Hatfield, and to become more involved in the management of the firm. I also look forward to seeing my own children develop their interests and passions.

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