Bath's Victoria Art Gallery holds exhibition of Perry Harris' work


Essence of Bath Petra Mirosevic Sorgo 25 1

Bath's Victoria Art Gallery is hosting an exhibition by our long-standing Estates Team member, Perry Harris, featuring cartoons and water colours of his favourite Bath landscapes. The exhibition is now open and runs until 13 April.  

Perry Harris is a cartoonist and landscape artist who uses paint and digital colour to bring Bath to life. He has worked in a variety of areas: a cartoonist for punk fanzines, stage scenery painter, architectural illustrator and art technician. He currently balances being a school caretaker at Royal High with creating his own artwork. 

Perry Harris says: “This exhibition brings together various aspects of my work: the cartoons of Bath are inspired by underground comics and skills learnt as an architectural illustrator. The more painterly watercolours are inspired by my love of nature and revisiting my earlier love of painting.”

Find out more here.