Cyber safety talk for Prep Parents


Blue Cyber Safety Quiz Technology Presentation

A group of parents recently attended a talk at Royal High Bath Prep School on the topic of cyber security by an expert from Avon and Somerset Police.

Megan Haldane, Cyber Protect Officer, is part of a dedicated fraud and cyber crime unit committed to providing education and support to the community and businesses on cyber safety. She is very knowledgeable on current online issues and had lots of useful tips to share with RHB Prep parents.

The talk highlighted the potential risks and challenges for children – and parents – while using the internet, while sharing the latest information and up-to-date tools on how parents can keep their children safe online.

One of the main points our parents took away with them was the importance of having open discussions with their children about their online use; to start these conversations early, as well as to understand and to frequently review what their children are doing online. Both parents and children themselves need to learn to use the internet safely, as well as to challenge and be objective about the content they see online. 

With the help of the Cyber Protect Officer, parents now had a better understanding of what good cyber security practice looks like. Practical and simple-to-implement tips ranged from creating strong passwords to being vigilant about receiving messages from unknown senders, as well as the importance of checking and validating friend requests before adding new friends, and turning off location sharing in the phone settings. 

The talk also signposted parents to a number of resources and toolkits providing further support and advice on safer internet usage.

Our thanks to the Cyber Protect Officer who came along to speak to our parents. She was brilliant and shared so many useful tips and tools. We are also very grateful to the parents who came along, it is so important that we get the most up to date information and examples of best practice so we can support the children in how they use the internet. ”
Kirsty Robson, Computing Lead at Royal High Bath Prep School

Kirsty Robson, Computing Lead at Royal High Bath Prep School, said: “Our thanks to the Cyber Protect Officer who came along to speak to our parents. She was brilliant and shared so many useful tips and tools. We are also very grateful to the parents who came along, it is so important that we get the most up to date information and examples of best practice so we can support the children in how they use the internet. For any RHB parents who were unable to join us for the event, there is an opportunity to watch the talk and to download the PowerPoint presentation. It includes lots of very useful links to resources to help keep your child safe online.