Year 6 girls attend the GDST’s annual English event at Shakespeare's Globe

Prep, GDST

IMG 1479

On our first glorious summer's day of the year, four lucky Year 6 girls got the chance to visit Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London to immerse themselves in Shakespeare's play, Henry V. They joined their GDST peers from across the country at the GDST’s annual English event.

Collaborating with peers from other schools, the girls threw themselves into workshops that contemplated social justice, the reasons given for war and the consequences that result from it. Following some thought provoking team work, they sat in the Globe Theatre and heard about its extraordinary history, the site it stands on having originally been in the middle of countryside, now engulfed by London's many buildings. The final treat was watching an actress tell the story of the play with a wonderful mixture of explanatory prose and Shakespeare's own verse. To the delight of their teacher, the girls were heard quoting from the play as they chatted about the visit the following day.

Overall, the GDST English Conference was an enriching celebration of learning through trips and the arts, showcasing the endless possibilities of bringing education to life.