Keep Calm and Carry On Cooking

Nursery and Prep School

Year 6 made their own delicious WW2 inspired lunches this term! In small groups, they had carefully planned their recipes based on what would have been available at that time, with food heavily rationed. They worked highly independently and produced some extremely tasty dishes. They made dishes using vegetables, as the ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign led to an abundance of home-grown fruits and vegetables. The girls made soup starters, vegetable pies/pasties for the main courses and desserts using apples and carrots.

Cooking a 3-course meal takes a huge amount of effort and organisation and some groups worked extremely independently to produce their dishes and also to wash up and tidy their workspace. It was impressive to see great teamwork going on, with groups helping each other with the ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ attitude. The lunch was extremely enjoyable and despite there being a ‘war on’ no-one went hungry!

During WW2 the ‘Ministry of Food’ wanted to ensure the health of the nation, and therefore produced leaflets and recipes (most famously, 'Woolton Pie') to help keep everyone fed and fit. In fact, the promotion of vegetables actually led to the improvement of health, as people were eating vegetables 2 and 3 times a day!

Well done girls - this was a great first cookery lesson. We look forward to more cookery challenges to come this year! We hope you learned from this cookery morning and you enjoyed eating the new dishes.