Meg's big moment at Bath Children's Literature Festival

Nursery and Prep School, Prep

Above Photo by Anna Barclay

Meg, Year 3, had a very exciting and memorable weekend, introducing to the stage, at the sold out Bath Forum, one of the best-known figures in the children's book world, Michael Rosen

To celebrate Royal High's sponsorship of Bath Children's Literature Festival our Prep School students were set a challenge to write to Head of Prep Claire Lilley to say why they believed they would be good at this very important job. 

Meg’s letter was very convincing and sure enough she did a fantastic job, and was extremely brave! 

Here is Meg's letter: 

Dear Ms Lilley, 

I am very excited that Michael Rosen is coming to Bath. I think that I would be good at introducing him to the audience at the Children's Literature Festival because I am really expressive like he is!

He is really funny I love his poems, particularly 'I was born in the Stone age' and 'Chocolate Cake'. When I was younger my Dad used to read me the story of 'We're going on a bear hunt'.

Michal Rosen is very inspiring when I grow up I might want to be an author like him!  

Best wishes, Meg