Year 11 Celebrate in Style

Sixth Form, Senior School

On Friday 6th May, our annual Year 11 Celebration Evening was held at The Assembly Rooms.

The evening started off with fruit mocktails as the girls were welcomed to the venue, with plenty of photographs being taken to mark the occasion and a real sense of anticipation in the air. It was wonderful to see the year group in their beautiful dresses, and fabulous hair styles (with some incredible shoes!) to celebrate their hard work before the GCSEs. It was also great to see staff sharing their special evening with them. We then enjoyed a finger buffet, dancing and the photo booth that had been kindly provided by The Friends – this was really well used and great fun. We would like to thank The Friends very much for this.

It is always a really enjoyable occasion to attend and this year proved no different, with an amazing venue, a buzz of excitement and happy students- with sore feet- at the end of the night. Thank you, Year 11, for such a memorable and enjoyable evening and wishing you every success in your exams.