Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
We celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee by going back to the 1950s with a Vintage Sports Day, a cake competition and a tea party on Chapel Field.
Year 5 and 6 Science enrichment with Colin Stuart
Some of our Prep School students recently attended a talk by Stuart Colin about Space. Lottie in Year 6 has written a review of their day.

Bath Student Parliament 2022
We are proud to be taking part in this fantastic initiative which brings together students from across Bath to share ideas and develop a vision for action on matters of priority.

Bath Festival Sponsor 2022
The recent rave reviews of Jeremy Denk's performance of J.S. Bach's “Well-Tempered Clavier” reminded us how fortunate we were to sponsor his recital as part of Bath Festival.

A look back to the 50s
Today we've been celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and have loved looking back at some of our archive images from the 1950s.

Student announced as the NSEA National Winter Dressage League winner
Cesca representing RHSB has been announced as the NSEA National Winter Dressage League of both her classes.

Festival of Ideas 2022
Our Festival of Ideas is an annual occasion where we ask our whole school community to unite their thinking around a theme in a cross-curricular manner - this year our theme is Finding Your Voice.

Gifted and Talented conference student review
Ophelia in Year 9 has written a great roundup of what happened during our Gifted and Talented conference.

Year 4 residential trip
Year 4 recently returned from their residential trip to Magdalen Farm, where they helped look after the animals and had fun outdoors.