
RHB Year 8 students win GDST’s Women in Engineering Challenge
We are delighted that a group of our . Back in June Year 8 students, working in groups of 5-6, were set a task to design and prototype a device to successfully move a meteorite, that had fallen to Earth and landed in the school field, from its landing site and into a box so that it can be safely transported for testing.Â
Reception girls learn about American Thanksgiving
This week Reception had so much fun learning all about the American tradition of Thanksgiving. We had a visit from Mrs Rejiester who told us all about growing up in America and which food she enjoyed at Thanksgiving. The girls were able to relate this to our own celebrations such as Christmas and birthdays!
Head's Blog: Year 6
This week I have met all 31 of our Prep School Year 6s who gave me a thorough and wide-ranging education in what makes sparky ten and eleven-year-olds tick. They gave their presentations to me as part of their transfer process to the senior school, which their external counterparts will do in January. Beginning a talk with the line, ‘My mother is a cereal killer’ was particularly memorable (it was about healthy eating) but every student impressed me in their own way.
Year 6 students discover Bath Blitz bomb Sites
Over one weekend in April 1942, over 4500 bombs were dropped on Bath as part of the Baedeker Raids. Year 6, using the school mapping tool Digimaps, made their own maps to show routes around some of the bomb sites in central Bath. In groups of five, they followed a selection of the maps, taking turns to guide the groups to the chosen sites.

Young Bath Artists Exhibition at Burdall's Yard
We are delighted to be involved in the second annual YBA (Young Bath Artists) exhibition at Burdall’s yard, Bath.Â

Year 4 Cinema Trip
Year 4 enjoyed a visit to the Odeon cinema last Friday as part of the Into Film Festival
Year 3 girls become Roman experts!
Year Three has been busy learning about the Romans since half term. We have taken part in a drama workshop with the Year 9s about Boudicca’s battle with the Romans and been on a trip to the Roman Baths to learn about life in a Roman town and being an archaeologist. We are now Roman experts. Have a look at what we have been up to...
Holodomor workshop for IB and A level History students
IB and A level History students in year 12 and 13 recently joined together for a special history workshop about the Holodomor ('Killing by Hunger').Â

‘Baarmy Bethlehem’ Infants Nativity at The Egg Theatre
‘Baarmy Bethlehem’ was performed by our fabulous Infant girls at wonderful Egg Theatre last week.Â