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Sixth Form

Sixth Form submit university applications

Our Sixth Form students have been busy working on their university applications. 96% have submitted their applications with a third already receiving offers from universities.

Carol Service 22 TH 004
Sixth Form, Senior School, Music, Prep

Carols at Bath Abbey

What a special end to the term with a wonderful service of lessons and carols at Bath Abbey this afternoon.

Lily dunford
Sixth Form, Music

Year 12 student performs at Royal Albert Hall

Year 12 talented singer, Lily recently performed at the Royal Albert Hall with the National Youth Choir of Great Britain.

Amplify Me simulation
Sixth Form, Senior School

Sixth formers take to the trading floor

Sixth form students had an exciting afternoon buying and selling in a fast-paced trading floor simulation hosted by training company AmplifyMe.

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Sixth Form

Sixth Formers invited to browse new fiction

Students were invited to the Sixth Form Library today to browse the new fiction section and choose their books for Christmas reading.

GDST Day of Dance
Sixth Form, Senior School, Performing Arts, Student Success

GDST Day of Dance 2022

Six of our Senior Dancers and Dance Scholars joined up with Dancers from across the GDST family for the annual Day of Dance at the iconic BASE Studio in London’s Vauxhall.

Speed networking group
Sixth Form

Year 12 students meet with female entrepreneurs

Our Year 12 students participated in an online 'Speed Networking' event this week that matched them with female entrepreneurs.

GDST 150 Assembly 2
Sixth Form, Senior School, Nursery and Prep School

150 Years - celebrating a milestone in girls' education

In 2022, the Girls' Day School Trust (GDST) turned 150 years old: this week, Royal High School Bath joined our sister schools to celebrate the network's birthday with a GDST-wide assembly.

UNA sixth form
Sixth Form

Bath & District United Nations Association Sixth Form Peace Conference

This week some of our Sixth Form students attended the Bath & District United Nations Association Sixth Form Peace conference.