Pentathlon PBs in the pouring rain
Senior School
“ In horrendous conditions, with lashing rain and gale force winds the girls warmed up!”

On Saturday 3rd October Isla and Jess competed in a Combined Events Pentathlon at the Bill Whistletoft track in Yeovil.
For their first event, the 70 M hurdles. They really could have done with snorkel and mask rather than spikes but they both achieved good times and moved to the Long Jump. The Shot Putt followed, then the High Jump, before finally after 6 hours in the cold and wet they lined up for the final event the 800m.
Sophie then competed in the Pentathlon this time for the Junior Girls age group on Sunday. I think the conditions were even worse than Saturday but to her delight, she achieved two Seasons Best performances. Her sister Emily joined her in the HJ and 800m and was pleased with her results in such atrocious conditions.
Sophie and Lottie also ventured to Yeovil on Sunday to compete in the Open 1500M. with puddles as deep as their ankles they bravely ran against some of the top distance runners in the South West, with Sophie achieving another PB.
The six Royal High girls demonstrated real grit, determination, courage bravery and most of all resilience to keep going through some of the worst conditions I have ever seen at an Athletics Track, so well done all of you real RHS Spirit!