Student leadership team attend Head of Schools Conference

Sixth Form, Student Voice

Our Head Girl, Annabel and Deputy Heads, Florence and Megan attended the Head of Schools Conference at Wells Cathedral School on Tuesday for a day of talks, workshops and networking with other independent school leadership teams.

They returned tired but inspired, armed with lots of new ideas including how to run successful meetings, champion student voices lower down the school, make their team accountable and how to tackle public speaking with ease. We are looking forward to seeing them implement these new ideas around School.

HOSC Conference Sept 2022

The girls have shared their thoughts on the experience below:

"Annabel, Megan and I were fortunate enough to attend the Heads of Schools Conference, run by Wells Cathedral School. This was a valuable experience that provided us with an insight into key leadership skills that can be put into practice within our leadership team. The day consisted of guest speakers and discussions on how to lead a team and hold meetings productively as well as the most effective way to handle potential difficulties that may be faced in such roles. In addition to this we took part in group activities, that placed focus on public speaking and team building, all providing useful tips that we will be able to introduce within the leadership team at RHS."


"Our experience at the conference was fascinating. It was amazing to have the opportunity through school to travel to Wells and meet like-minded school leaders from 17 different schools who we wouldn’t normally get the chance to interact with. We learned lots of new and useful skills through seminars and workshops on public speaking and team building that will definitely prove to be helpful to implement in our own prefect team. My favourite element of the event was getting to work with the other leaders in group discussions and in the team building exercise where we split into two teams and went head-to-head to see who could build the highest tower made from clothes pegs which worked on our communication and teamwork."


"I found the Heads of Schools Conference to be an amazing opportunity. Although Annabel, Florence and I have been in our roles since Easter 2022, we found this conference invaluable. By discussing with the leadership teams from other schools, we were able to share ideas and collaborate with one another, discussing plans for the remaining year in our positions whilst also learning how to manage difficult situations in our table discussion session. We also had the opportunity to meet so many people and network with one another, which was a great addition to the day."
