The House of Bernarda Alba
Sixth Form, Performing Arts

In the hotly anticipated Sixth Form drama production of ‘The House of Bernarda Alba’, one of Lorca’s most powerful plays, a tyrannical matriarch rules over her house of five daughters in the wake of their Father’s death. Anchored around Bernarda’s obsession with family honour and the importance of keeping up appearances, themes of honour and pride, which have a long tradition in Spanish drama, are overturned, as Lorca allows a woman to adopt the same preoccupation as a man, with shocking consequences.
With two casts, this three act tragedy, first published in 1936 was performed by Sixth Form students who were quite simply astounding in this captivating and compelling performance.
“ We couldn't be prouder of the students for their compelling performances of this complex play - well done every one of them!”~ Mrs I Thorpe, Head of Drama