The Playlist: raising money for Alzheimer's
Senior School, Charity
On Tuesday 29 March Megan Ong and Phoebe Wirick will be hosting The Playlist, a music concert, with the aim of raising money for Alzheimer's Society UK.
When speaking to the girls, both have their own motivation for wanting to raise money for the charity.
Megan told us, "Dementia – one of the most heart-breaking diseases for anyone to be diagnosed with. I was born in Malaysia, and I am studying as an international student in Bath. The majority of my family live in Malaysia, meaning that I cannot visit them and appreciate their company – especially my grandmother who suffers from Alzheimer’s. The unpredictability of Covid-19 and numerous lockdowns has meant that I have not seen her for nearly two years. By initiating this fundraising event, Phoebe and I are able to raise awareness about this disease and simultaneously support a charity that helps families and loved ones that suffer with dementia. Alzheimer’s Society UK uses the funds raised to provide help to those suffering with Alzheimer’s especially during the Covid-19 lockdowns, making welfare calls and combatting loneliness with those who suffer with Alzheimer’s."
Phoebe has also touched on her personal experiences, and how music has helped her. "Growing up in a musical family has been such a privilege as it has meant I can experience and understand my family on a different level than normal. Music has also helped me say goodbye to my grandfather, having played my instrument at his funeral after he passed away with Alzheimer’s. This evening is a showcase not for talent necessarily (although that is not to say we aren’t talented!) but for the special kind of shared experiences that music can give us all. At the same time, I hope Megan and I can raise awareness and openly acknowledge the life-altering effects of this disease through supporting and fundraising for Alzheimer’s Society UK."
The night will be filled with a variety of music genres, including soloists and ensembles, encouraging all performers to step out of their comfort zone and play what they truly enjoy whilst supporting this wonderful cause. The evening may also include guest appearances by members of staff and/or parents.