Year 13 prizegiving
Sixth Form
After a fantastic ball on Friday featuring rapping teachers and dancing, our our Year 13 cohort and Class of 2022 had their final day as Royal High School Bath students on Monday, marking the beginning of their next journey and their becoming RHSB alumnae.
It was truly touching to witness the interaction between students, staff and parents throughout the ceremony as farewell messages were interweaved with messages of support, encouragement and emotion.
Mr Benedict, Head of Sixth Form, and Mrs Reynolds, Head of RHSB, both offered their own words of kindness and motivation to the students as they reached the final step in their school education.
During the ceremony we also heard from 2021-22 Head Girl, Daisy, and her two deputies Eliza and Ella who each had their own anecdotes to tell about their journey with us. This was followed by Sophie reading out her poem written specially for the Year 13 prize giving ceremony.
More pictures of our 2022 Year 13 Prizegiving will be added here in due course.
“ What’s more, each of you now leaves with the memories of your own personal history, too, the story of your time here, the moments to cherish, the teachers who made such an impact, the friendships, the first days, the failings, the festivities, the fun. ”Mr Benedict, Head of Sixth Form