Year 7 Roman Day
Senior School
We were very lucky to welcome a Roman Centurion and a Gladiatrix (female gladiator!) from Legio II Augusta to school. As professional re-enactors, who regularly work in film and television, they brought the fascinating and sometimes terrifying Roman world to life.
Year 7 arrived wearing a multitude of creative costumes ranging from togas to goddesses to Roman soldiers. Mrs Binney and Dr McCarthy struggled to judge so many fantastic entries. Our prize winners were Maya B, Lizzie C, Maddie D, Sennen D, Izzy M and Florence S but optime fecistis – well done – to everyone!
The day started with some fun activities, puzzles and wordsearches. The house groups were competing for prizes and keen to win points for their team.
Juliette M and Tamsin L, Year 12 helpers, explain: “The groups then moved on to some really engaging talks from speakers, by none other than ‘Roman Lady’ and ‘Roman soldier’ from Legio Augusta II, both also clothed in Roman attire. Here we learnt about Roman medicine and doctors, Roman clothing, the multiculturalism of Roman Britain, how Roman soldiers put on their armour and all the gruesome details on how they would have fought. We had the opportunity to try on the clothing of a myrmidon, a type of gladiator, and were even shown how Romans used the toilet!”
Year 7 said they most enjoyed: “helping their group win; learning about slavery and armour; the competition and fun games; it was fun to see the speakers as Romans, acting as though they were really Roman!”
The Roman centurion gave the students a taste of army drill on the field, ending with a terrifying charge at their teachers. Year 7 greatly impressed the visiting legion with their enthusiasm and attention. The team competition was narrowly won by Bronte, with Austen as runners up and Du Pre and Wollstencraft in joint third place. We had an interesting and memorable Roman Day and definitely saw puellae diem carpunt – girls making their mark!
Dr Jane McCarthy, Classics Teacher