Our networks
The RHBA Network is coordinated by Francesca Orr, our Alumnae & Community Liaison Officer.
If you have any questions please get in touch on 01225 313877 or at RHSAlumnae@rhsb.gdst.net.

RHBA Network Committee
The RHBA network is supported by a wonderful committee of ex-students from a wide range of generations. Currently led by Chair Sarah Dix (nee King, 1999 - 2006), this committee has supported the network for many, many years and continues to drive forward many events and activities. The RHBA Committee holds a Reunion Day every year, which all alumnae are invited to attend.

Royal School Association
The Royal School Association is specifically for students of the Royal School and has been in place for many, many years, run by a dedicated committee of former RS girls. The Association holds an AGM/ Reunion Day biennially. Visit the Royal School Association's website.

We have a growing group of Hong Kong-based alumnae who held their first annual RHBA HK reunion in November 2018. If you would like to get involved or start your own international group, wherever you are, please get in touch and we would be delighted to help.

GDST Alumnae Network
We are fortunate to be a part of the GDST Alumnae Network, a vibrant community of more than 70,000 former students and staff of GDST schools.
Being a GDST alumnae provides a strong link to thousands of like-minded women in the UK and overseas, who have, or who are, forging their own way and making their own individual mark in the world and offers endless opportunities. From face-to-face and app-based mentoring programmes, to business networking, self-development and social events, the network offers a professional community unlike any other. Visit the GDST Alumnae website.