Pastoral Care at Royal High School Bath

We want every girl to enjoy their time at Royal High School Bath and achieve their potential. We know girls achieve their best and are most motivated to learn when they are happy and feel supported and valued. We take mental and physical health and well-being very seriously at Royal High School Bath and have a comprehensive pastoral structure in place throughout the School.
“ Kindness is promoted in all our interactions and underpins all pastoral decisions.”
We aim to reflect our Learner Qualities in the pastoral sphere. The core value of kindness is promoted in all our interactions, and underpins all pastoral decisions. Other Leaner Qualities are equally important: by fostering students' ability to reflect on their actions, ask questions about what it means to be a global citizen and to work collaboratively with others, it culminates in true bravery and the ‘sparkiness’ that typifies an RHBS student.
Every fortnight, the pastoral team celebrates students who are shining examples of these traits by presenting Character Awards.