Learn, explore and discover

“ Outdoor learning at the Prep School is well and truly integrated into everything we do”
Outdoor learning at the Prep School is well and truly integrated into everything we do and taking full advantage of our beautiful grounds at Cranwell House. From Nursery through to Year 6, the girls are actively involved in memorable learning experiences outside the classroom. Learning in this way gives children the freedom to learn using all of their senses and fires imaginative thinking. We are able to create powerful learning experiences which help our girls to develop a sense of place and a relationship with the environment.
We recently undertook the construction of a Celtic roundhouse, started by Year 4, as part of their theme on Local History. The girls were involved in all stages, from choosing a site to marking out the circle and the creating of wattle walls using hazel. All the materials were found in the school grounds and the thatching was donated by a local thatcher. Similarly, Year 3 have recently designed an up-cycled greenhouse out of plastic bottles located on our school allotment. Construction involved the girls and they have enjoyed growing a range of produce, which we have used in cookery projects or donated to the school kitchens for our lunch. Our latest addition was the construction of the Jasmine Theatre - an outdoor stage and seating area for the girls and their families to enjoy.
Come rain or shine you will find Prep school girls out and about learning in our beautiful 11-acre grounds. We encourage practical outdoor activities which create memorable experiences, including bug hunting, tree planting and pond fishing. The practical, hands-on nature of learning is what makes wonderful lasting memories and helps our girls grow and learn. On any given day your daughter could be growing vegetables in our upcycled greenhouse, performing on our open air stage or using our outdoor kiln.
If they prefer the indoors, then the library has a calm and inviting atmosphere where girls can come to escape in a book, do their homework and have quiet time to reflect.