Learning support
“ Creating a partnership between parents, teaching and support staff, outside professionals and the individual to vital to ensure success.”Mrs Siobhan Smillie, Head of the Learning Support Department

Learning Support Programme
At the Royal High School, we value all students individually, and supporting special educational needs is an integral part of our school ethos. We have a specialist Learning Support Department supporting students from all age ranges across our school. The continuity of support offered to our students throughout their time with us enables us to know them as individuals and develop a full understanding of the challenges they face and of their potential.

Quality-first teaching
We meet every student’s needs within the classroom by ensuring that our planning, teaching and inclusive ‘Quality-first teaching’ approach meets the needs of the majority of our students so they make the best progress in school. For some students, this level of support is exactly what they need. For others, they may be better supported by coming to the Learning Support Department in smaller groups. Students with specific learning needs such as dyslexia also have the opportunity to attend additional specialist one-to-one lessons and there is a charge for these lessons.

Partnership support
Working together with the student, parents, teachers and outside professionals is the key to ensure success. Many students attend Learning Support each year throughout the school, and the support given is discreet. We may see students for a short burst of intervention such as a short course of study skills. They may make good progress and not return for support. Other students may return as part of a small group or parents may choose to pay for individual sessions.

Extra support at examination time
As students approach public examinations, additional support covering study skills – including revision and examination techniques – is offered by the department. We also offer study support via lunchtime drop-in sessions throughout the year, which deliver short-term one-to-one support at no extra charge, to any student in the school needing to improve their study skills.

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