Drama and Theatre

Drama at Royal High School Bath
Theatre can help us build our future, rather than just waiting for it; it is a rehearsal for the revolution.”
Augusto Boal

Drama in the Sixth Form inspires students to become independent and confident theatre-makers. These skills are combined with engendering strong academic nous: an ability to laterally analyse is key to forming cohesive awareness of fundamental cultural, interpersonal and social constructs, and have led to impressive university destinations for our graduates.

In the A level specification, practical creativity is emphasised alongside collaboration, analytical research and deeply-embedded theoretical understanding. Students learn through first-hand experience; by seeing and critiquing others’ live theatre and in making new theatre for themselves. In the process, they are introduced to a wide range of theatrical styles through workshops exploring numerous set texts from a wide range of social, historical and political contexts. This affords a bold explorative journey which consistently equips students with a wider awareness of resilience, flexibility, negotiation and compromise for life.

Alongside course study, there are numerous visits organised to local and London theatres, and the department offers students the chance to participate in enrichment through school productions such as: ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’; ‘Oh! What A Lovely War’; ‘The Crucible’; ‘The Tempest’, ‘A Christmas Carol’ and ‘Oliver!’. We encourage a sense of passion for drama and to gain a better understanding of life in the industry, we often enhance our teaching with visiting workshops from outside practitioners and professionals.