
We believe that the study of History should be fun but rigorous and we have developed our curriculum to combine both the skills of the historian and the topics which we see as essential for a rounded education.”
Mrs Pagnamenta, Head of History
A level history 2

History at A Level is a highly respected academic subject. It provides invaluable transferable skills which act as a bedrock for success in many professions and is highly respected by university admissions tutors.

We teach History as a living discipline, open to debate and interpretation and we are keen to engender this attitude in our students. We have selected units from OCR’s courses which revolve around the theme of Revolution. This allows us to explore ideas of liberty and equality, the nature of rule and protest, and the interconnections between American, British and Russian histories. Specially we study From Pitt to Peel 1783-1853 (Y110); The American Revolution 1740-1796 (Y212) and Russia and its Rulers 1855-1964 (Y318).

As a department are always keen to encourage our students to make connections with their other studies, with current affairs and with literature. We encourage wider reading around our courses and we benefit from an extremely well-stocked library and subscription to History Today. We encourage girls to engage in real scholarship and academic research, especially with the coursework unit (worth 20% of the A level).

We usually take students the Chalke Valley History Festival and other external conferences. Finally, we run a thriving History Film club which allows us to explore the ways that past events have been depicted, gain a sense of a variety of periods, and discuss any inaccuracies.

Sixth Form Curriculum