
Many of our students choose to continue their academic study of music in the Sixth Form, as it is enjoyable, challenging and fun.”
Mr Bradbury, Director of Music
Rhs music a level

At A Level many pupils enjoy furthering their knowledge through more detailed analysis of set works from many genres, compositions to a specific brief, and practical performances in any style. Many of our past students have continued their musical education at prestigious conservatoires and universities such as the RWCMD.

A Level Music relies on students completing tasks from three areas: performance, composition, and listening. It is taught by the Director of Music. However, a great deal of support is available from a team of over 20 visiting instrumental teachers who offer tuition in most instruments including harp, guitar, percussion, and singing.

Our peripatetic teachers

See our list of peri teachers

These teachers help students to develop their skills as solo performers and also enable them to take part in the many musical activities run in the school, from the Celidh Band to Swing Band and our many choirs.

Involvement in music groups not only adds gloss to a UCAS form but can also be used as an accredited skill for Duke of Edinburgh awards. Sixth Form students also benefit greatly from the help offered by our own full-time, highly qualified Performing Arts Technician.

Why not make sense of your enthusiasm and passion for music and all that practice over the years and gain a very useful and highly-regarded qualification?

Sixth Form Curriculum