Physical Education

I hated every minute of training, but I said don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”
Muhammad Ali
Rhs pe a level

A Level PE is a fantastic subject that offers insight into the development of Sport and PE and how it comes to be what it is today, as well as what modern-day elite performers need to know and do to maintain a competitive edge. It develops analytical skills as well as teamwork and communication, enabling students to hone workplace skills that are vital for post-18 study and work.

The subject itself has both a practical component (30%) and a theoretical component (70%).

The theory is split into 3 key areas and each area is normally taught by a separate member of staff – those areas being Psychology, Historical and Contemporary Studies, and Exercise Physiology.

Previous years have seen trips to The University of Bath to use their Physiology labs, as well as trips to the Real Tennis Centre in Bristol.

We are privileged to have high-level athletes on the coaching staff, and their personal experiences provide a fascinating insight into the life of an elite athlete, and how sport is funded and grown in the UK today.

Sixth Form Curriculum