Spanish A LevelÂ
at RHB Sixth FormÂ

“ I have found that studying Spanish at a A Level has really extended my views on the world as a whole. I love learning Spanish as I feel that it is a completely different way of learning than my other subjects and gives me an opportunity to be creative with my studies.”Year 13 Student
Find out more about this course
Download our Spanish A Level Curriculum Information sheet hereÂ
Spanish is acknowledged as one of the most widely used languages around the world. Studying A Level Spanish allows students to gain deep understanding of the culture and community of those who speak Spanish through the study of literature, cinema, politics, culture, media, and more. The course will enhance your communication capabilities, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as translating between languages. It also aims to refine language proficiency to read and critically evaluate a book and film in Spanish.