Why All Girls?
At Royal High School Bath we believe that girls do better in an environment designed specifically for them. Girls are at the heart of everything we do, and we want every single one of them to feel known, supported and able to shine, and to leave us with the skills and confidence to make their mark on the world.

We Understand Girls
Everything we do at Royal High Bath is designed for girls, from Nursery through to Sixth Form. We are specialists in girls’ education and we tailor our teaching to the way girls learn best.
We are proud to be part of the Girls’ Day School Trust, a unique family of 25 all-girls schools. A pioneering movement founded over 150 years ago, GDST schools remain leaders in girls' education to this day.
GDST research is consistently updated, enabling our school to react to a changing world and provide excellence in modern education and pastoral care for girls.

Rejecting Gender Stereotypes
At Royal High School Bath every subject is a girl's subject. Our girls learn in an environment free from gender stereotypes and unconscious bias.
Research shows that in co-ed settings girls often adopt roles that reflect others’ views of them, narrowing their subject choices. Girls at GDST schools are empowered to reject gender stereotyping, for example in sports, subject and (later) career choices, choosing to continue with subjects that have traditionally been seen as male, and moving into male dominated career fields like science and engineering.
85% of the current Y12+Y13 A-Level students at RHSB study at least one STEM subject.
50% of our 2023 Sixth Form leavers went on to study STEM subjects at university.

Academic Achievement
There is strong evidence that girls-only education leads to higher academic achievement.
All-girls schools allow teachers and schools to focus more effectively on the needs of individual girls, so their needs and preferences can be fully accommodated within a dedicated learning environment.
Evidence shows that girls achieve more when they are given their own dedicated space in which to develop.

Opportunities for Leadership
All-girls schools empower students to become bold leaders.
Research shows that in coeducational contexts, girls are more likely than boys to participate, but less likely to assume leadership roles, in extra-curricular groups and activities. In GDST schools, girls are more likely to put themselves forward for leadership roles, with many more leadership opportunities available to them.
Every girl at RHSB has every opportunity to become a leader: Prefect, Head of House, Environmental Leader, Form Captain and more. They learn about responsibility, but also how to take risks, inspire and lead others, developing resilience and self-confidence to stand them in good stead when they go on to encounter university, work and life.

Confidence and Risk-taking
All-girls schools provide a supportive and empowering environment where girls can be themselves and embrace their unique qualities. Girls feel confident to take charge and put themselves forward.
With only girls in the classroom and on the sports field, both intellectual and physical confidence can grow.
At RHSB girls are encouraged and supported to take risks, express themselves, and believe in their abilities within an affirming environment.

Higher Aspirations
Research shows that students at all-girls schools have higher aspirations.
Here at RHSB we are dedicated to enabling our students to flourish and to believe in themselves, while preparing them with skills for life beyond school. Career aspirations are without limits, whether our students plan to study Computer Science, Medicine or Engineering, go on to art school or drama college, or take on an apprenticeship.
Our students gain inspiration from our network of GDST Alumnae (with over 100,00 members worldwide), women who have made their mark on the world in so many different ways. We host visiting speakers and inspirational workshops from our Alumnae throughout the school year, and from Sixth Form onwards, our students can tap into this network for mentoring and career advice.

Further Reading and Research
“Some proponents of coeducational schooling have argued that schools should reflect society in their gender composition. But schools should be set up to challenge, not simply to reflect and reinforce, the gender asymmetries that still pervade the wider world.” Dr Kevin Stannard, GDST Director of Innovation & Learning
Click below to read Why and How Girls Thrive in Girls-Only Schools, by Dr Kevin Stannard, GDST Director of Innovation & Learning
Girls' Schools Association research
"Proven repeatedly, it is clear that a girls-only education empowers young women to unleash their full potential and ambition to be the stateswomen of their own lives. Girls’ schools create nourishing learning environments made for girls, and the girls’ impressive achievements and high-level of engagement are arresting." GSA (Girls' School Association)
Click below to access recent GSA research and evidence based insights.