Why choose us as an international student?

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Why Bath?

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Why all girls?

Read about why all girls

What else makes us special?

Read about our values

Leavers' destinations

Read about leavers' destinations


We celebrate the success of all our girls, underpinned by our dedication to helping each girl to develop the confidence and character to explore her unique talents. Our expert teachers are specialised in a wealth of subjects to encourage our pupils to feed their curiosity and challenge themselves in new ways.  We achieve stellar results. In recent years, we achieved the highest exam results in Bath.

The One-Year GCSE 

A One-Year GCSE course is the international equivalent of a General Certificate of Secondary Education but is offered in one academic year. An accelerated course provides a platform for students to strengthen their academic confidence and achieve the grades they strive for.  We offer separate sciences, 6 modern and ancient languages and a wealth of humanities, creative and physical subjects. 

Sixth Form options 

We are the only Sixth Form in Bath to offer you a choice of two pathways of study: A Levels or the IB Diploma Programme. 

Sixth Form prospectus

Read more about our Sixth Form

A Level or the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

Read about our A Level and IB Programme

Comprehensive careers support

Read about career support available

Excellent boarding facilities

Read about our boarding facilities

English as an Additional Language

We offer group and individual English as an Additional Language classes for speakers of other languages. Students will be assessed at the beginning of their time with us, and continuously monitored to ensure that they can flourish in their academic studies and social relationships. Contact us to find out more - Contact us - Royal High School